Safety Tips

Transgender Dating Safety Tip and TricksTransgender Dating Safety Tips

There are certain rules to abide by when dating, here are a few our transgender dating safety tips:

  • Limit alcohol consumption to ONE drink every TWO hours. This allows time to pass before ingesting more, keeping you from being impaired.
  • Bring some kind of protection. You don’t know these people in real life, so be prepared. Pepper spray comes in pink now 🙂
  • Meet in a public, well-lit environment. Dark allies never go well.
  • Have a friend tag along! Either secretly or just as a third wheel, they can break away if things go smoothly and meet back up with you when you’re done.
  • Don’t EVER leave your food or drinks unattended. If you do on accident, order a new drink or plate.
  • Provide your own transportation. Always have a designated driver.

Additional Transgender Dating Saftey Tips

I know that it seems difficult in the moment, but don’t give out too much information about yourself or your transition to begin with. Sometimes wolves like to hide in sheep’s clothing and they may have ulterior motives for wanting that information. Date 3 or 4 should be a decent time to start talking a little more in-depth about what you’re going through and the struggles that come along with it. Things that you SHOULD talk about can include:

  • Pets: Pets are often times such a huge part of our lives. They provide us with the love and affection that we crave and vice versa.
  • Favorites: Tell them what your favorite color is, what your favorite sport is or your favorite activity. This is a conversation starter than can last HOURS!
  • Political views: I know, I know, this seems SO counterintuitive, but do you really want to spend your valuable time with someone who you would end up hating come election season?
  • Traveling: Have you traveled a lot? Do you want to travel more? Where would you go if you could leave right now? There are all fantastic starters that have NOTHING to do with your background.

Now that you’ve got the run down on basic transgender safety tips, head over to the ‘Transgender Profiles‘ Page and join for FREE!